The Jewish Funeral
A Jewish funeral honors the dignity of the deceased and provides comfort and consolation to the survivors. Families practice these rituals in different ways. Our licensed professional staff offers services which meet the needs of the entire spectrum of the Jewish Community, from the Traditional (Orthodox), under the strict supervision of the Chevra Kadisha, to the Conservative and Reform, as well as the non-denominational and interfaith.
"Say not in grief 'he is no more' but in thankfulness that he was."
Jewish Mourning Rituals and Traditions Video Playlist
Part of the greatness of Judaism is that it affords one concrete ways of working through grief while, at the same time, allowing us to demonstrate our respect and affection for those, now gone, whose lives touched ours with love and caring.
How to honor a Jewish life
There are many different traditions and ways you can honor your loved ones life.
The essence of any Jewish Funeral may include:
- Chapel Service
- Graveside Service
- Cremation
- Visitation
- Memorial Service
- Hearse
- Limousines
- Casket
- Vault
- Temporary Grave Marker
- Register Book
- Yahrzeit Calendar & Updates
- Death Notices in Newspaper
- Tahara (ritual cleansing and dressing)
- Shmira (guardian or watcher)
- Tachrichim (burial garments)
- Direct Immediate Burial
- Burial in Israel
- Benches
- Seven-Day Shiva Candles
- Talis (prayer shawl)
- Memorial Plaque
- Acknowledgement Cards
We have a network of long established relationships with Rabbi’s of every denomination and can contact one that suits your individual preferences.
Yes you absolutely can have flowers at the funeral. If you need help choosing a vendor we have a list of Florists under our resources tab that we know and are in the local area.
Our Chapel is wired for surround sound and can play any music you like. We also have a stage and room for a violinist, pianist or any instrumentalist you wish you have at the service.
We offer a wide selection of both all wood and metal caskets to suit anyone’s personal preference. We believe that it is your choice how you wish to be buried or to bury your loved one. Louis Schlossberg, who ran the Schlossberg Chapel for nearly 80 years, passing away in 2014 was buried in a beautiful metal casket.

Here is an overview of what to expect at a Jewish funeral.
How to take care of the body